关灯 护眼
笔趣阁 > 请按静音键 > 第三章.父母的到来



“......In a few days, perhaps tomorrow, there will be a new political and legal consultation.....This is confidential, but I tell you that you must ept and agree that there will be [other living silence plans](……过几天,也许明天,会有一个新的政治和法律磋商……这是机密,但我告诉你,你必须接受并同意关于[其他生灵静音计划]”)”温爵靠在藤编的椅子上,试图放松自己,想找到个好方法解决女儿这个问题。

“What? Why?(什么?为什么?)”


“Dear,keep calm .(亲爱的,你需要保持镇定。)”温爵放轻声音,耐心劝到

“This is a strategy, you know the consequences of disapproval, you have to pretend to agree, so you have the freedom to do what you want to do.(这是一种策略,你知道不赞成的后果,你必须假装同意,这样你就有自由去做你想做的事。)”

“only ...... pretend?(只需要……假装?)”蒂凡妮缓缓坐下,拿起食物看了看四周,小心翼翼的问道。

“yeah, next, what are you going to do? usually immediately through consultation.(是的,接下来,你要怎么做?通常是立即通过协商。)”温爵坐直的身体徐徐的靠在椅背上。蒂凡妮已经吃完了麻薯和大半的芒果布丁。放下布丁,周围陷入安静,是的,接下来该怎么做,她要挽救大自然,静音,其他生灵静音,简直不可理喻,人类怎么不自己给自己按一个静音器。

“Human beings should press mute devices for themselves. The world is noisy enough. If people can't talk, the world will be much better.(星系者应该为自己按静音装置。这个世界太吵了。如果星系者自己不能说话,世界会好得多。)”蒂凡妮小声说道。

“This idea, you should be eliminated in your junior high school, you can't just because you feel noisy to have this idea, you know, your hearing is already, than others. You can't have that selfish idea, my child!(这个想法,你的这个想法应该早早被淘汰在你的初中时期,你不能仅仅因为你觉得吵闹有这个想法,你知道,你的听力是自身原因,比其星系者好许多。你不能有那种自私的想法,我的孩子。)”温爵表示不赞同。就在温爵刚说完最后一个字,蒂凡妮低声道,有前所未有的沉重,“Dad,I'm 16.(父亲,我16岁了。)”蒂凡妮抬头看着父亲,目光比之前任何时候更加坚定。“l need.....go ,l need ,dad!(我得离开,我必须这么做,父亲!)”

“I'll convince your mother and Alice.(我会说服你妈妈和爱丽丝的。)”温爵叹了口气,尽显无奈,起身离开。

“Dad ,I love your forever.(爸爸,我爱你。)”蒂凡妮看着父亲的背影留下眼泪。

推荐阅读: 玄唐秘录 我可以下载一切 喜当妈 灭世霸尊 医妃逆天 升级世界的旅途 穿越次元异能世界去爱你 神秘老公有点坏 司宠而骄:刁蛮小道士 总裁的偏执罪妻